I’ve deleted other mods and not really missed them but can’t imagine playing without wicked whims. The mod is so detailed and with regular updates and new features added it doesn’t really get boring. However, it is a big improvement over the cartoon heart woohoo, and it does add realism when you see two sims secretly getting it on during a social event. There’s also this skill added about getting nude in public, and again I felt like this was a kinky sex fantasy thing that was pushed onto every single adult sim in the game, where realistically the overwhelming majority of people don’t want to nude at all in public. Instead of two people in a relationship being intimate, it looks like pornstars having unrealistic fantasy sex catered towards getting the guy off.

I know the animations are separate from the mod itself, but the animations available for download all seem more like porn than actual sex. I found wicked whims made the game very porn-like, and had to tone things down in the settings menu. My ultimate preference is for sexual content in the sims to be like TV and movie sex - realistic and a bit graphic, but not x-rated. I like romance over things like “cum slut” and “cuckqueen”, which are traits the mod added to the game. But as a more stereotypical woman, I don’t think it caters to my taste though. I think wicked whims is a definite improvement over the base game, and am glad it got made and I think it’s made the sims more enjoyable for a lot of people. The maxis woohoo animations that come with the game are kind of distracting and cheesy! Like, it doesn’t look like sex, it looks like two people having a very bouncy and cartoonish fight with silly hearts under the sheets lol.